A Very Special Birthday Girl

A Very Special Birthday Girl

Lydia Pagliaro is part of the Clearwater Farm family!  Her entire family actively volunteers at the farm in many ways. The Pagliaro family does animal chores every week, Lydia’s mom is on our Board of Directors, and her dad is our amazing Day Camp Director. Big brother Logan helps with animal care and pitches in with many other jobs around the farm. He especially likes using the backpack leaf blower to tidy up the farm. Little sister Lydia decided to contribute in her own special way while having her birthday party at the farm. 

Rather than accepting birthday gifts from her friends, she instructed her guests to bring items to benefit the farm animals. What a generous gesture from a little girl, thinking of the animals rather than herself! Lydia and her friends donated gift cards to purchase animal supplies as well as apples and other treats for the horses, cats and goats. The animals are enjoying all of these wonderful goodies that were selflessly donated by Lydia. She is one very special birthday girl!

Thank you, Lydia, from everyone at Clearwater Farm!