Animal Spotlight: Barney

Animal Spotlight: Barney

Clearwater-Barney-1Barney, our gold tiger cat, is the first friendly face you see when you visit the farm. He was found abandoned in downtown LaCrosse in 2001. We were looking for a barn cat and were thrilled to give this tiny kitty a great home. He was 6-8 weeks old when we received him and has lived at Clearwater Farm ever since.

He has a wonderful, friendly disposition and greets all visitors when they arrive at the farm.

Clearwater-Barney-2His favorite place to sleep is in one of the bushel baskets at the entrance to the big barn. When it’s really cold, he is usually snuggling in his heated house with our other cat, Jinx.

Barney loves attention and is very gentle with all who visit the farm. He loves cat treats and let’s you know by his meowing, that he is ready for a special treat.

Clearwater-Barney-3Barney is super social as he attends most of our board meetings at the farm by sprawling out in the middle of the table among all of our paperwork. He is one of our most beloved Clearwater animals.

We are always grateful for support of any kind, for our animals and the many programs we run here at Clearwater Farm. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation or joining our Animal Team to help with the daily feeding, cleaning, and general care of the animals.